I väntan på bussen..

En kille jag aldrig ens sett förut: Do you know how you look?!
Jag: Ehh, no?
Killen: You're beautiful!
Jag: Thanks..
Killen: I saw you and knew it was fate! Would it be wierd if I asked you to marry me right now?
Jag: Yeah, that would be wierd..
Killen: Can I at least have your number? I'll call you, we'll talk for an hour each day. Get to know each other.
Jag: Sorry, I don't give my number to people I don't know.
Killen: Can we be friends on facebook then? Get to know each other there instead?
Jag: ...
Killen: Do you have a boyfriend..?
Jag: Yes, I do. 
(en liten vit lögn har väl aldrig dödat någon)
Killen: I knew it! That's why you're pretending not to be interested?
Jag: ...
Killen: He might be the one for you now, but you don't know if he'll be the one for you tomorrow. And then you'll regret not giving me your number.
(här tog han tag i min hand också..)
Killen: This is fate! Don't you feel it?
Jag: Well, if he's not the one for me tomorrow and this is fate then we'll run into each other again.
Killen: That would be easier if you gave me your number.
Jag: It would, but then it wouldn't be fate. 

Sen drog jag några fina ursäkter och tog mig därifrån.
Han skulle med samma buss så jag gick hem istället - ville ju inte att han skulle se var jag klev av.. 


Got something on your heart?

Kom ihåg mig?

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